Monday, July 16, 2012

Still Coming Down!

Yes, they reduced my dosage. Let's hope this does it. Although I enjoyed adding a few extra days to my week "off" it is important to keep going and kill those tumors.
More good cancer markers are now down to 254! Yay! I am feeling really good. Like my old self.
I need to get some excercise though. I started going to the Y for water aerobics. I'm in the advanced class. Don't get all excited and think I'm such a trooper, they're all advanced... in age. ;)
I may be starting out slow but it does feel good to work those muscles and I fully intend to work up to more and more. I would LOVE to be able to run again.

Prayer. When life gets too hard to stand...kneel.


  1. ....Or when your feet hurt ;)

    So glad you are feeling good again! Wish I was there for that. I miss you more than ever!

  2. Ha! Good one Valerie! When your feet hurt too much to stand...kneel. :) You are awesome!

  3. Where is the LIKE button! Love to read about your success here. I'm always amazed over and over again at how powerful prayer is.

    Love to ya!

  4. What a great update! Hey, I've done water aerobics at the Y and loved it too. All the 'advanced in age' ladies were lovely...I just had to make sure I went at a faster speed than them. :)

  5. Yay Dawna!! That is such good news!
